us_ChelatedMineral_150.jpeg  Chelated Mineral
Minerals and trace elements represent less than one-half of one percent of the total nutrients we consume every day. Yet without them, our bodies would be unable to efficiently use the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in our diet. Many vitamins and enzymes need a mineral co-factor to function properly. CHELATED MINERAL is a carefully formulated balance of essential minerals and ultra trace minerals that are sourced from the highest quality suppliers in forms that are readily absorbed by the body.* Take the Essentials twice daily along with BiOmega.

More information, please click here.

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us_MegaAntiOxidant_150.jpeg    Mega Antioxidant
Daily stress and environmental pollutants bombard us with increasing levels of free radicals (potentially damaging, highly reactive molecules). Diets high in processed foods and fewer whole, unrefined foods have further increased the need for vitamins and antioxidant supplementation. MEGA ANTIOXIDANT offers advanced levels of high-quality, highly bioavailable vitamins and antioxidants to meet this increased need. MEGA ANTIOXIDANTalso offers nutritional support for maintaining sound cardiovascular function, healthy pregnancies, optimal vision, a sound immune system, and efficient energy metabolism. 

More information, please click here.

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USEssentials_150.jpeg  Essentials

To be healthy, strong and energetic throughout our lives, our bodies require a broad range of essential vitamins, minerals antioxidants and other micronutrients. The USANA® Essentials™ include two bottles: a family of daily multi-vitamin and mineral supplements, each providing a broad range of essential nutrients required for lifelong health. This exclusive formula contains USANA's PatentedOlivol®, an ingredient that cannot be found in any other multivitamin/mineral formula.*  

The Essentials consist of two bottles, the Mega Antioxidants and Chelated Minerals (see below); take two tablets from each bottle in AM, and two tablets from each bottle in the PM with meals (along with the BiOmega).

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 Healthpak 100 

If you are looking for one product that contains essential nutrients key to maintaining good health, then the HealthPak 100™ is for you. This comprehensive nutritional supplement includes the Essentials (see below) with Olivol® and some powerful Optimizers including Active Calcium™ and the exclusive AO Booster™.

The HealthPak 100 was formulated to provide nutrients that support a healthy heart, healthy bones and joints, healthy eyes, and healthy lungs. The Patented Olivol (olive fruit extract) can only be found in USANA products. 

* Take a packet in the AM, and in the PM with meals, along with BiOmega.

More Information, please click here.

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每天洗澡都會用到的沐浴乳,每天和皮膚親密接觸,當心洗出病來!沐浴乳裡面有種叫做PARABEN的成分,是用來防止沐浴乳變質的防腐劑。不過醫師在乳癌的切片中,也發現PARABEN的成分!市面上三成的沐浴乳,含有這種可能致癌的物質,如果長期使用,可能就會有危險!  輕輕按一下,瓶子馬上吐出濃濃沐浴乳,三兩 下馬上清潔溜溜。但看似平常的沐浴乳,竟然和乳癌有了關連!醫界在在乳癌切片中,發現一種叫做PARABEN的成分就是藏在沐浴乳中,用來抑制沐浴乳變質的防腐劑。


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1. 在牛奶和豆漿之間,選擇後者 
2. 覺得還可以再吃半碗飯時,離開餐桌 
3. 如果身體不感到飢渴,每天只需飲用4杯水 
4. 多喝酸奶 

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開始建設個人的部落閣,第一個開的主題是阿根提,有多少人去過阿根廷? 你們對阿根廷的印象是什麼?

阿根廷對我來講是個落寞的富豪,從首都 Bueno Aires來看,它比台北美多了,光是豪邁的建築物就不計其數,但貧富差距卻也不小,普遍來講,人民工作態度不如台灣人積極,但是生性上也比台灣人豁達,第一張照片就是阿根廷最大的冰河,光長度就有三十公哩,面積是250平方公里。可以走路、空中、搭船去觀賞,端看個人經濟能力跟膽識,如果只是要省錢,可以搭車在走路近看,有點錢就搭船,當然更有錢就是搭飛機,但是我覺得如果你有錢有膽識,應該學動物遷習走在冰河上頭體驗一下,當然這需要導遊帶領,$$$也不便宜喔,我沒在上面走,因為我跟著老人團,老人什麼都不怕就怕死,所以不能如願。





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